Hi, I’m Kendra and I’d like to tell you how I got here….

I found a lot of external success early in life but burnt out quickly, was anxious most of the time, hit some abundance walls, was in an unhappy relationship, and knew there had to be another—better—way but I couldn’t find it.

Adrenal fatigue combined with some un-ignorable knocks on my door from the universe finally sent me on a quest to uncover the secret to feeling good and started me on a path to help others fully realize their potential in life.

Over the last decade I studied psychedelics and shamanism, earned a degree in neurobiology and Somatics, became a yogi and licensed psychotherapist, was mentored by consciousness leaders, did some quantum physics, and interned with leading physicians. And, through all of it made myself patient zero.

I am now living a life so far beyond what I ever thought possible! Enjoying love, success, happiness and peace that previously seemed unfathomable.

And now my passion is sharing what works.

In my 13 years practicing as a master coach and therapist I have supported everyone from some of the most successful executives and creatives to some of the most traumatized to change their lives in amazing, even astounding, ways.

I have integrated the most effective strategies, frameworks, and practices from working with these diverse populations to create a method of a change that my clients and I find to be profound. I have also created the Beyond Potential course. These are the closest things to what I wish someone could have taught me all those years ago. In sessions and my workshop courses I try to pull the curtain back so you can understand how it all works and learn to be your own best coach.

I currently live in Santa Fe, NM with my husband and spend as much time as I can hiking with my dog, dancing, being brave and trying new things.